Fitting Fitness into the New Year

Finding time for exercise can be just as challenging as actually doing it. Making it convenient is the key to fitting it into your busy day. And keep in mind any physical activity counts, not just formal exercise programs.

Here are some ways to fit in fitness at home and at work:

Wake up 30 minutes earlier than normal to do a quick ride on your exercise bike, or take a brisk walk outside.

When doing physical tasks, like washing the floor or cleaning the bathroom, step up your pace a bit for more of a challenge. When you mow the lawn, consider using a push mower to increase the effort and the calorie usage.

While watching television or reading a book, ride your exercise bike, do leg lifts or other exercises and/or stretches.

Start a practice of going for a walk before or after dinner with the family, the dog or perhaps a neighbour who has similar interests in getting more physical.

If it’s possible, walk or bike to work or when you do errands. If you must drive or if you take the bus, park or get off the bus a few blocks short of your destination and walk from there.

Avoid the elevator or escalator. Take the stairs whenever you can. And if your destination is too much of a climb, get off the elevator sooner and take the stairs the rest of the way.

Spend your coffee breaks walking. Invite your co-workers to join you. Perhaps have a walking meeting instead of sitting in the boardroom.

Make a date with yourself every day to exercise. Mark it into your appointment book – and be as accountable to yourself as you are to others.

If you are on the road often, pack a skipping rope and/or an exercise elastic, in case the hotel has no gym.

Keep a pair of walking shoes at the office or in the car, so you’re prepared when you are able to squeeze in a brisk walk.

When shopping in a large mall, walk the entire length of the mall a few times at a brisk pace before or after you shop.

Plan social events that are physical, like golf or bowling, instead of gathering just to eat or drink. Invite your friends for a hike in a park, or a trip to the zoo.

Check the recreation centre in your area and drop in for public badminton, volleyball, basketball or even ping pong. Sign up for the neighbourhood soccer, hockey or softball league. Buy a membership at the recreation centre or a gym to participate in group exercise classes, yoga, or to hit the weight room. The cost of a membership may be just the incentive you need to stick with it!


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