Thrive Beyond 55: May 2021

Spring in BC is arriving later than usual, and so are a lot of other things… including the first dose of the COVID vaccine.  Many of us thought BC would be further ahead by now. Like many things this past year, I suppose, our expectations have been higher than what could be delivered.

Sometimes that’s just the way life is.

In this issue, writer J. Kathleen Thompson names some highly recognizable people who brought transformational change to our world through their determination and perseverance.  Yet, she notes, it is often the quiet, non-descript people who have the greatest impact on our daily lives. These everyday influencers don’t look for a lot of fanfare. They simply come with a desire to do good within their small sphere of influence.

I feel like INSPIRED Magazine as one of those everyday influencers. And, as you’ll read in this issue, charities are also among the biggest influencers and stabilizers in our communities.

This issue marks the completion of 17 years of publishing INSPIRED Magazine. It all started from very humble beginnings — with interviews and businesses meetings conducted around my kitchen table.

I started the magazine with a desire to tell the stories of people over the age of 55; to honor their experiences and wisdom. The magazine continues to fulfill that intention, even though it has morphed through a couple name changes and expanded to a website and annual event.

I’ve heard wonderful stories of readers sharing their copies of INSPIRED — even mailing them to friends and family in other parts of Canada and the world.

Not unlike our experience with COVID-19, I and my small staff have weathered many disappointments and delays with the magazine. Just when you think you’re getting ahead, something happens to take you back a step or two.  Then something unexpected pops up to give you a boost again.  It can feel like a rollercoaster.

Through the magazine business I’ve learned there’s an ebb and flow to life. It doesn’t make the back-steps any easier, but you come to realize everything has a season.  It gives you something to hang onto when the gratification you expect isn’t immediate. You have faith it will appear eventually and, meanwhile, you’re grateful for the things that are present.

I’m grateful for many things: for my health; for family, friends, neighbours and colleagues; for the assistance of small business by our governments; for the support of all our advertisers; for the encouraging words readers have shared with me during these past months that uplifted my heart and kept me moving forward.

This issue, our content features charities and all they do to support the infrastructure of our communities and worthy causes. How often has a charity been there to make your day better, to support you in some way?

With so many aspects of our communities needing help, your donation can help ease the strain these organizations are under.  It will help them deliver more services to people, animals and our environment. Thank you for whatever support you can give.

Together, we can make a difference.


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