Thrive Beyond 55: July 2021

I frequently think about our world and how we can make it a better place. In my opinion, that process begins with our core values and beliefs. When we are aligned with those values and beliefs, they manifest through our actions.

Web exPress truck

This month I was sent this picture of the delivery truck owned by the company that prints this magazine. It made me proud of my association. I asked for the back-story and was told the owner of Web exPress wants the company to reflect his personal ideals, so he came up with this list. Not only are these values printed on the van, I’m told he also has these words printed on the stairs leading to his office.

When you are as bold as to put your values and ideals in writing for everyone to see, you set a pretty high bar for yourself and challenge those around you to consider how they show up in the world.

I have always wanted INSPIRED Magazine to be part of the evolution toward a better world. To know that associates of mine hold this same aspiration is heart-warming.

I’m grateful each day for the many people around me, who serve in various capacities to bring this magazine into your homes every month. From our employees and freelance writers to the many service contractors; these are people who have good values and high ideals. I’m proud to stand with every one of them. And I’m proud to serve the 55+ community.

As we enter INSPIRED Magazine’s 18th year, I feel it is like the child that has now found its place in the world as an adult. When I gave birth to it in 2004, it was with the same trepidation, uncertainty – and hope – that I’m sure parents feel when they bring a newborn into this world.

Thanks to the care and nurturing of the many people who are part of the village that has tended to the magazine during its growing up years, it has developed a personality and a reputation that will stand it in good stead as it takes its next steps of maturity.

Each month we do our best to live up to the ideals and values that earned the magazine a place in your sacred homes. I am honoured and humbled by the love so many of you have expressed for this creation. And I am eager to see what the next years bring.


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