Thrive Beyond 55 – January/February

The title of an article in this issue set my mind spinning. “Sailing Solo” is about a single woman embarking on a cruise through Scandinavia. 

Whether by planned choice or unexpected circumstances, many of us find ourselves sailing solo. I’m talking about life in general. 

Photo: Barbara Risto

Sailing solo can raise uncomfortable feelings like loneliness, vulnerability and fear. You can be in a relationship and still feel like you’re going it alone.  

To those who resonate with the experience of sailing solo, I want to take a moment to validate your courage. 

While sailing solo may feel like you’re out on a precipice without a safety net, there’s some exceedingly beneficial traits that come into play. 

Resilience — you didn’t get to be 55+ by being a pushover. It took grit, tenacity, persistence and determination to make it this far. Time and time again, life handed you something you didn’t want — and you made your way through it, and out the other side. Huge applause. 

Adaptability — when things didn’t go as expected, you corrected course. If there was no way through something, you found a way around it. Give yourself a pat on the back for ingenuity. 

Compassion — for yourself and others. Where would we be if making mistakes couldn’t be part of the experience? The key is to not beat yourself up, and not hold grudges against others for their failings. Abusive behaviour should never be accepted from anyone, and least of all towards ourselves. Learning to let go is a fundamental key to moving forward, releasing stress and acquiring peace. 

For many people, 2023 brought crises to our doorstep. Whatever the reasons for these difficulties — and they can be myriad — what stands at the end of the day is how you survived it — and how you nurtured yourself through it. 

It may have felt like survival mode at times — but in the end, it was an evolutionary step toward thriving. Congratulations for making it through the challenges.  

As we enter 2024, we’re wiser, better equipped and more aware of who we are and what we need. Take some time to plot a course for the year. Determine what actions you can take to resolve any lingering problems. If you can’t change a circumstance, is there a way you can change how you feel about it?  

Dig deep to find what brings you joy and do more of that. Infuse every day with something that gives you a sense of wellbeing. Criticize yourself less, love yourself more.  

When life deals us a situation for which we don’t have manual instructions, we often rebel. 

Why is this happening to me, we ask. What did I do to deserve this? Both are legitimate responses, but invariably lead to few concrete answers.  

What if the answer is simply that this is how we create something new for ourselves? How many new inventions, new works of art, started with a mistake, an unplanned error? 

What if marrying chaos with what is familiar is the way to creation – and by resisting, we fail to grasp the sceptre of life? 

How many times do we look at the routine of our lives and yearn for something more exciting? 

We are always pushing our boundaries, exploring our limitations, in anticipation of what’s fresh and new. 

Whether it’s a new year, a fresh relationship, a different place to live, or a change in lifestyle  —  greet it with open arms. 

Cherish the memories of the past, and be willing to make fresh ones from the possibilities that lay ahead. | 


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