THE GOSPEL OF FITNESS: Anyone at any age can be fit

by Barrie Street

I have a question for you: Why is fitness so important? Answer: Its benefits are incalculable, among them – an improved quality of life and physical condition, more energy and zest for life, better sleep, mood improvement, and an entirely different outlook on life.

Fitness has played a huge part in my life since being a kid. However, now at 85, it has generated an even more significant role. If you are over 50, do not exercise, and have a deep desire to live a long and vibrant life, I want to help you. As I enter my ninth decade, reflecting on the astonishing benefits of fitness, I remain passionate about others joining me – will YOU?

We have forged busy – not necessarily active – lifestyles, but this does not mean that we cannot make changes and free-up times for fitness.

Increase in longevity

As our longevity continues to increase, there is even more need to exercise. It is important to know that we are never too old to begin exercising. Studies reveal that the overwhelming majority of seniors in North America do not meet the minimum physical activity levels needed to maintain health. Their sedentary lifestyles that predominate in older ages result in premature onset of ill health, disease and frailty.


Committing yourself to fitness may require immense discipline and may seem overwhelming. Training and sticking with your exercise is very demanding: life’s busy schedule, lack of energy and illness are just a few of the factors which can interrupt your routine.

No illusions

I have no illusions about being an expert on fitness. My blogs are about the experiences of a layman who has learned from a combination of expert advice, diligent personal research, and personal trial and error – lots of errors!


Motivation is a key element in starting and continuing exercises. To help, you may choose to exercise with a buddy or join a class, get a cheering squad of family or friends who will support you, choose a time of day when you have the most energy and stick to this time, or keep a journal of what you have achieved. You just might surprise yourself how well you will succeed.

Caution: I strongly urge you to consult your family doctor before you begin an exercise program, particularly if you have not exercised for a long period of time. In addition, start slowly and gradually add more time and then intensity.

The generally recommended amount of exercise time to ensure a healthy lifestyle is 150 minutes/week of a moderate-intensity level; this represents about 2% of your waking hours.

Age is not a barrie-r, and fitness could become your new best friend! I would be delighted to help you in any way I can. Please contact me at

Yours in fitness.

Barrie Street


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