The Backbone of Zajac Ranch for Children is “We can and we will make this work”

Meet Jordan, he has a rare neurological disorder called Lissencephaly (translated means smooth brain). 

This disorder causes a variety of issues which include: an overall global delay (speech, fine motor, cognitive function); epilepsy; cerebral palsy; an inability to communicate in the traditional verbal ways; massive sleep issues; and the requirement for 24 hour, 1:1 care for all of life’s most basic needs.

Jordan’s first 3 months of life were spent in the hospital with a variety of surgeries. The doctors told his parents that he would not likely see his 2nd birthday and, if he did, the chances of him seeing his 5th were extremely low.

Jordan’s parents were obviously devastated, confused, and scared. They loved taking expedition style trips to remote locations in their small boat. The doctor said “The best thing you can do for Jordan is strap him on your back and go on your adventures. Help him live all the life he can while he can.” Jordan’s parents have taken this approach to heart and have done their best to burst the natural bubble most parents would put around a terminal high-risk child.  So far so good…Jordan turned 17 this year.

Up until 2 years ago all of Jordan’s adventures were with his family. Then they met the team at Zajac Ranch who are committed to accommodate and provide the extra needs someone like Jordan has. 

The founders of Zajac Ranch believe every child should get to go to camp. For more information visit

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