NIWRA – Supporting Us Means Supporting Ill, Injured & Orphaned Wildlife

Founded in 1985, the North Island Wildlife Recovery Association (NIWRA) tends to animals with all types of needs, including birds with broken wings, orphaned black bears, electrocuted eagles and much more! NIWRA’s main goals are to:

Reintroduce as many animals back to the wild as possible
Each year approximately 750 animals are admitted with a 70% release rate. 

Educate the public about wildlife and environmental issues
We open our centre’s doors to the public to see eagles, owls, ravens, turkey vultures, falcons, bears and many more who have made NIWRA their permanent home because of illness, injury or loss of parents.

Planned Giving Plays a Critical Role in Our Success

Baby owl

Thanks to bequests, we have been able to build:

  • the largest eagle flight enclosure of its kind in Canada
  • a Museum of Nature showcasing the animals of Vancouver Island
  • a Learning Centre where thousands of visitors including children have gleaned information about wildlife
  • a Black Bear Rehabilitation building that has allowed us to release hundreds of orphaned cubs back to the wild

Since NIWRA is not government funded, we rely on the public to deliver the professional care the birds and animals admitted to the centre deserve. Donations in the form of bequests, gift annuities and life insurance policies, stocks and securities, RRSPs, real estate and personal property – these are all wonderful ways of helping us continue this important and worthwhile work. 

Baby Bear

Through Planned Giving, together we can provide such things as:

  • Veterinary care and trained animal care technicians
  • Medical equipment
  • Specialized diets
  • Larger than regulated enclosures
  • Educational ‘bio’ facts
  • Sponsorship for school tours to the centre

Thank you for partnering with us to care for wildlife. 

They Depend on Us and We Depend on You!

To learn about the many ways you can plan to support the North Island Wildlife Recovery Association today for tomorrow, please call us at 250-248-8534, email us at or visit

North Island Wildlife Recovery Association
1240 Leffler Rd,
PO Box 364
Errington, BC  V0R 1V0


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