The end of the year and the beginning of the new year are great times to use journalling for both reflection and planning. Every December, I book two dates in my schedule. One to do a year in review process, the other to do my goal setting for the coming year. I usually schedule a couple of hours for each of these intentional journalling times. I’ve noticed that looking back helps me to dream forward!

Journalling is a creative way of using self-expression, writing, stories and language to help us constantly re-invent ourselves and stay connected to limitless possibilities.

Tips for Looking Back & Dreaming Forward Journalling:

Schedule your creative journalling looking back and dreaming forward dates. Booking this time makes it real and honours the time you will devote to this activity.

Arrive to your journalling time with mindful, present moment awareness. When the body becomes still, the mind can also become quieter. This stillness invites us into greater creative potential within ourselves.
I always begin by getting grounded and centered with a few intentional mindful moments. My favourite mindfulness exercise involves noticing my breath as it enters and leaves my body – giving me life. During this time, I also draw my attention to my feet against the floor beneath me to get grounded and present before I write.

Journalling helps us be fully present in the moment, which helps us access our deep inner wisdom in our lives. 

Now you’re ready to engage in your reflective journalling!

Look Back Over the Last Year
Below are some prompts to help you look back. There are many creative ways to journal, so answer these prompts in any way that appeals to you.

  • What are five things you want to remember?
  • What were your peak experiences this year?
  • What successes or accomplishments do you want to celebrate and acknowledge?
  • What is one of your biggest lessons learned?

Dream Forward into the Coming Year
Respond to the journal prompts below in any creative way that seems right to you.

  • How do you want to feel in the year ahead? What helps you feel that way?
  • What core values do you want to honour most in your daily life?
  • In what ways will you live aligned with your highest sense of purpose?
  • What do you absolutely need to stop doing to live your best year ever?
  • What do you absolutely need to start doing to live your best year ever?

One great way to wrap-up this “Looking Back and Dreaming Forward” journalling exercise is to find five quotes that you want to inspire you in the coming year. Type them up, paint them, pen them in calligraphy, add photos, and turn them into art journal entries or vision boards for your wall or desktop background.

As you explore and record the five quotes, allow yourself to be deeply touched by the words.

“Words unravel every emotion.” John Koenig

Final Thoughts
What creative rituals and routines would you like to commit to in the year ahead? When do you feel most alive? How can you do more of that in the new year?

Journalling can help you tap into greater feelings of clarity, calm, inspiration, and well-being. Simply allow your emotions, thoughts, and creative self-expression to take over and see where they might lead you.

I hope journalling can support you to manifest your biggest dreams for the coming year!

Lynda Monk, MSW, RSW, CPCC is the Director of the International Association for Journal Writing (IAJW.org) and the co-author and co-editor of books on the transformational power of journalling.


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