Find Pleasure Everywhere

Learning to cultivate pleasure and invite it into all areas of our lives – no matter what else is happening – is a skill.

Sometimes, when life is bearing down, it can be difficult to seek out pleasure in simple things. We pass by beauty without a second glance, without letting it seep in and ignite a spark of joy.

No matter the struggle – and we all have them – become a pleasure seeker, instead.

To start, create a pleasure circle and invite people to join you. Be an audience for others. It doesn’t have to be huge; just a few will do.

Some simple ways to add more pleasure to the everyday: a conversation over tea; sharing a dessert with two spoons; laughing while getting lost on a drive; knocking on a neighbours’ door to thank them for their garden; or stopping to chat with someone walking their dog. Add your own ideas of pleasure to this list.

We don’t need others to allow pleasure into our lives; we can find joy even when we’re on our own. Laugh at yourself and take pleasure in the trying. Like wobbly yoga, playing the piano (even though you haven’t taken a lesson in years) or trying a new recipe that falls flat. What can you do badly – with pleasure – more often?

Joy and pleasure can be our escorts through painful times, if we let them in. We need to realize the necessity of pleasure, not the luxury of it.

Know that our spirits need pleasure like our bodies need vitamins, oxygen or water. Allow pleasure in to help healing.

Gather gifts from the natural world: go on, hug a tree! Or enjoy the sight of the first patch of snowdrops peeking through the soil after a soggy wet winter.

* Take a moment to envision these pleasures from me to you:
* Twin star lilies in a crystal vase;
* One deluxe violin serenade;
* Tiny seashells in a toddler’s chubby hand;
* Jewel-toned glass bottles;
* Warm homemade biscuits with soft butter;
* Applause of your ancestors for a life well-lived.

Now it’s your turn, invent pleasure to send to others beginning with these words: I send to you…

Let pleasure discover you. Put yourself in new situations and be open to unexpected pleasure; wait for pleasure to appear; invent scenarios for pleasure and, above all, look inside yourself.

It will be my pleasure to see you at Inspired Senior Living’s 55+ Lifestyle Show on March 13th at Pearkes Recreation Centre in Victoria.


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