Conscious Connections

For me, September has always felt as much of a new beginning as January. To that end, I would like to share some ideas for a new beginning by unlocking the amazing power you carry within you. None of these ideas are grandiose, none are hugely noticeable – except to you. And though they may appear small or insignificant, they are not! There is no small or insignificant act of service.

Begin and end your day thinking about doing or accepting an act of kindness. By doing so, you acknowledge the power you have to make a difference in your life and the lives of others.

Some of these may not seem like power tools. But they are.

Smile. Smile at those you know, and then smile at strangers. I make it my purpose each day to make someone else smile. Then I go one step further and try to consciously notice them. I often stop people I pass and compliment them on their outfit, a hat, a hairstyle. It is wonderful to see them smile and then walk away still smiling.

Listen. One of the greatest gifts we can give another is to simply listen. Listen without interruption. Listen not only with your ears, but also with your eyes and your heart.

Share. A great way to connect with each other is around a meal table. Why not invite several friends that may not know each other to a potluck? Ask them to bring a dish to share food and ideas. It is amazing what can happen. I often do this with three or four people I know, and the energy and power that swirls around the room is delightful! We learn, we laugh, and sometimes, we cry. I find this particularly uplifting when I am feeling a little down or lonely. Another idea along this line is to prepare a meal for a friend and deliver it.

Be open. Let go of the need to judge others harshly. Keep an open mind. Be aware of what is going on around you. Make it a goal each day to help someone else “have a good day.”

I look forward to seeing you at INSPIRED’s 55+ Lifestyle Show in Nanaimo on September 14th. It is going to be such fun! Be sure to come by to say hi and share a hug.


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