Boomers Trust Print Advertising Over Online

Because I own a magazine that is targeted to reach the 55+ readership, businesses may interpret my enthusiasm for marketing to this demographic as bias.  Fair enough.

So when I find collaborating material that confirms my POV, I like to share it. 

It’s been said by me and others who study the changing marketplace:  Overlook the 55+ consumer at your peril.

What advertising do baby boomers trust more?  Raeanne Meyer, a writer for MCA, says boomers show more trust in print advertising than online ads.  Besides enjoying the tactile experience of holding a magazine, the bigger reason when it comes to marketing, is TRUST. While the boomer/senior populations are certainly very savvy about digital platforms, their trust of these platforms (like many other people) is not high.  People place their highest trust in what they see and read in magazines, over what they see and read online.

And the 55+ consumer group is high on spending. In fact, Meyer points out, “consumers over age 50 have 2.5 times the discretionary spending power of the coveted 18-to-34 age group.” Wow!

This generation is now the largest group of consumer spenders.  They account for nearly 50% of all consumer sales, and yet they are targeted by less than 5% of total advertising dollars, according to Nielsen. Imagine the impact by businesses on this market if the amount of advertising dollars spent was equal to the amount of actual spending. Are you spending 5% or 50% of your marketing budget to reach your 55+ clients?

When choosing your print marketing, look for niche publications specially geared for the 55+ demographic.  Magazines that talk about this generation’s leisure activities are likely places to place your ads.

Meyer goes on to list 6 Marketing Approaches When Selling to Baby Boomers.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article.

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