Changes, Choices and Challenges

I was 42 when grey sparkles appeared in my hair. Actually, it was more of a streak on the right side of my head. For months, people asked how and where I got my hair done. When I explained that it was totally natural, they were shocked. Interestingly, my eldest daughter had a similar experience. She turned 42 and this glorious grey began to spring from the centre of her head. She went with it.

What was your reaction when you first noticed grey sparkles in your hair?
Did you –
A) Shriek and run for the hair dye?
B) Swear to wear a hat forever?
C) Not even notice because too much else was happening in your life?
D) Create a new style that blended the grey into all the beauty that was already there?

Today, 34 years later, my hair is totally white, with a purple streak where the white began. It has become my signature. When I get lazy and don’t renew the colour quickly enough, people notice: “Where is the purple?” “What happened to your hair?”

What are the changes, choices and challenges you are facing (or don’t want to face) in this stage of your life? The example I share this month is fun and fluffy, but sometimes those changes, choices and challenges are exactly that; more challenge than choice in the changes that appear.

One of the things I am learning these days is to enjoy the fun changes, knowing the choices are mine to make and take. With each day that passes, I acknowledge the gifts I have been given with these additional years and the opportunity to share with those around me. Part of the reason for this is that my younger brother (by eight years) recently died of a heart attack. Talk about a shock! It does bring it all home.

So, play with the fun changes, know that you are in charge of the choices you make and, if necessary, ask for help with the challenges. You are surrounded by friends that want to share. Even if it is just their purple hair dye.


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