Co-Housing for Baba Yagas

Co-housing is a style of living that has been slowly working its way into our society. Several friends (women of a certain age) and I have been seriously considering the concept recently. We have decided the idea of living alone as we age is not the most healthy or viable lifestyle. It becomes too easy to cocoon and close down friendships, only to find ourselves isolated and lonely.

So, building on the concept of Baba Yaga in France (a self-managed social housing project devised and run by a community of female seniors who want to keep their independence, but live communally) and the co-housing community that already exists in Victoria, we are exploring all the ways this might be possible. Linda is delving into the legal aspect, and Pam is using her international contacts to discover how things are done in other countries. She will be speaking with some of the baba yagas (taken from Slavic folklore meaning “witch”) while she visits France later this year.

The concept involves community living with each person having their own private space to which they can retreat. A communal living and dining space is shared by all the residents. Finer details are yet to be polished as the discussion has just begun.

If this is something that interests you, send me an email with your questions. I will submit them to the committee and we will add them to the questions we already have dancing around. There are legal, communal, and social implications to consider.

We are going to depend on those who have gone before us with the co-housing concept. They have learned so much and have great knowledge to share.

The idea is simply one more way to live as we age. We are living longer and healthier as the years go by. Why shouldn’t we enjoy our time and be comfortable while we do?

Please feel free to get in touch with me about this – or any subject.

Thank you to those I meet who tell me they read my column every month. I truly appreciate your loving comments.


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  1. Candace Holt

    Are you thinking to do this in Victoria? I have been looking for people to create the kind of community I envision–for many years. I joined the Fernwood Urban Village group in Victoria and that came to a sad end after we’d had the designs all done. I’ve live near nelson for 23 years and have been trying to get something together here, but still interested in Victoria if that happens.
    I lived in a small rural intentional community when I was in my 30’s, and have always favored community living. Unfortunately it is challenging to get something going in our society which so stresses other ways of living.

  2. Colleen

    I am moving to the Vancouver area this summer and think this is a awesome solution to many difficulties we face. Lower income, loneliness, safety, practicality and even helping the environment . At 65 I am still way too young and vibrant to check into a seniors lodge and I would love a fuller social life while having some privacy as well. Where do I sign up? 🤗

  3. Karen leblanc

    Great idea perhaps having gardens to help with food costs. Would you be renting or buying into this type of housing? Personially I would be interested.


    Karen Leblanc

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